The trail resources below are provided by the Arizona Peace Trail, Inc for your use. Use the GPS tracks with your favorite device. Check back here often for the latest trail GPS tracks and other resources as the become available.
The latest Arizona Peace Trail GPS track in GPX file contains the latest trail, connectors, and side trips. This version works well in GPS systems from Garmin and GAIA GPS.
Part of the Arizona Peace Trail resources KML file contains the latest trail GPS track, connector tracks, and side trips. This version works well in Google Earth and GAIA GPS.
It is recommended that those looking to cover the whole trail in 1 trip, plan on at least 6 full days. Exploring everything the AZPT has to offer would take years to cover the thousands of miles of trails that are accessible from the AZPT.
Yes, certain sections of the trail are closed at various times to accommodate off-road races in January & February, and at times extreme weather can cause some water crossings to be impassable and even snow can cause users to have to use detours. Check the AZPT website for the latest trail conditions.
Yes, if you are bringing an unlicensed off-road specific vehicle such as a full-size 4x4, UTV, Quad, or dirt bike from out of state to ride the AZPT, you must purchase a visitor permit from the Arizona Game & Fish Department for your vehicle. Fully licensed 4x4 vehicles such as Jeeps & other full-size vehicles that are registered in another state do not need to purchase a permit.
For individuals we recommend getting involved with your local OHV club which is supporting the AZPT. When we have events and other opportunities to help with the AZPT, we reach out to our partner organizations in local areas to get involved. Also, attend our monthly meeting which is held on the second Wednesday each month from November through March and is open to the public.
If you are a community organization, business or agency who is interested in partnering with us to support the Arizona Peace Trail and the OHV community in western AZ, visit our partner page for details on how to get involved.
Copyright © 2024 Arizona Peace Trail, Inc - All Rights Reserved.